LOTR Army Lists for FT

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David Kuijt
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LOTR Army Lists for FT

Post by David Kuijt » Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:44 pm

Hi all,

I'm creating a set of Third Age army lists for Middle Earth; I'm looking for a few enthusiastic and well-read scholars to discuss the LOTR army lists with me.

Requirements are:
  • Enthusiastic about Tolkein, and well-read in the genre. If you aren't aware that the Numenoreans had little or no cavalry, for example, you may not offer me a useful additional perspective. As another example, I like Migration Period figures for the Balchoth. If you don't know anything about the Balchoth, you can look it up -- but you should know about the Oath of Eorl (sometimes called the Oath of Cirion) that resulted from their defeat at the Field of Celebrant.
  • FT player (or historical Triumph -- Tolkein doesn't go very heavily into the FT genre, and most of his cultures and armies are pretty historical).
  • Regular respondent on email. If you only check your email every three or four days, that's probably not going to be regular enough to contribute.
  • knowledge of a variety of historical army lists is a plus, but not required. For example, I've decided that Khand shares a lot of geography with the Tarim Basin cultures along the Silk Road, and the Gokturks and Sogdians. That doesn't need to mean anything to you, but if it does mean something to you, it would help.
Respond to my main email if interested: dkuijt39 at gmail
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Re: LOTR Army Lists for FT

Post by David Kuijt » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:47 am

Hey Everyone,

Official LOTR army lists are not far away; I've got them rough-drafted now, still working through some complexities. Some of the army lists are relatively direct; some are more speculative. For example, we know that there was a major mountain range in the East, called in some documents the Orocani Mountains. Four of the seven tribes of Dwarves awoke there, two of the fathers in the north, and two in the south of that range (so it was pretty extensive). Very likely there were goblins in that mountain range even though they are never mentioned in Tolkien -- when left to their own devices goblins favored mountain ranges as evidenced by the known part of Middle Earth, where they resided primarily in the Misty Mountains and Grey Mountains, and when driven from the Misty Mountains by their defeat in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs in 2799, fled to the White Mountains. So goblins in the Orocani Mountains are never mentioned, but are very likely, given their predilections and the fact that Sauron fled to the East several times during the Second and Third Ages.

Anyway, that's not why I'm posting this.

As part of the document, I'm posting recommendations for figure ranges appropriate for Middle Earth. Does anyone have any suggestions for possible figure ranges? For many purposes (but not all) the GW LOTR skirmish game figures are very good. The Vendel range of Dwarves are (IMO) the best there are for Tolkien dwarves in 28mm, and they also have other good Middle Earth ranges. I have heard that Oathmark makes some good orcs and goblins? There are other ranges of figures, especially in 28mm, that deserve mention. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Send me your recommendations, please. With links, if possible. Post them here, don't send them in email -- I'm sure everyone would be interesting in seeing other ranges for figures being discussed. 28mm and 15mm figure recommendations.
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Re: LOTR Army Lists for FT

Post by Victor » Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:59 pm

for 28mm, these seem to match the description of the dwarves at the battle of the 5 armies: https://conquerormodels.com/shop/28mm-f ... 8-figures/
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David Kuijt
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Re: LOTR Army Lists for FT

Post by David Kuijt » Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:01 pm

Victor wrote:
Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:59 pm
for 28mm, these seem to match the description of the dwarves at the battle of the 5 armies: https://conquerormodels.com/shop/28mm-f ... 8-figures/
Yes, Conqueror are absolutely great. That's the same sculptor who did the Vendel range of Dwarves (and the two ranges mix perfectly, not surprisingly). Best dwarves ever for LOTR, Vendel and Conqueror.
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