Rule Clarifications, please

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Rule Clarifications, please

Post by HoaryCenturion » Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:17 pm

Gentlemen Experts,

Two situations occurred in a current ahistorical game upon which I would appreciate clarification and or ruling.

The first involves the missile phase of the game turn.

Under 29.2.c, it states or reads: “Both players resolve ranged combat.”

So, if, for example, Byzantine archers are facing off against Egyptian archers, and the Byzantine player is the active player for this phase of the game turn, and if both archer units are within range, then BOTH will let fly.

My presumption is that the Byzantine or active player rolls first. If the score results in the Egyptians being pushed back, then this will be done . . . before or after the Egyptian rolls for his missile fire. The exchange is essentially simultaneous or no, it is sequenced?

Let’s say that the units are at 3 MU distance and the Byzantines hit, which forces the Egyptians to fall back. This move would put them out of missile range, so they cannot fire back. Or, again, thinking that it all happens at the same time, the Egyptians won’t recoil until their dice and result are determined. One could see both units pushed back due to effective fire, correct?

The second situation involves something similar.




Where H represents friendly heavy foot; R represents friendly archers, and C represents enemy heavy foot.

H/C is the active player and has moved H onto the flank of enemy unit C.

R is within range of enemy unit C. According to 29.2.c, missile fire is resolved before 29.2.d, close combat.

If the archers [R] force enemy heavy foot C to fall back due to the effectiveness of the volley, will C be destroyed as it is falling back with an enemy unit in contact with its flank?

Or, will C fall back and then be subjected to melee at a disadvantage (-1) as H is attacking its flank?

Thanks in advance for your advice, assistance, and clarifications.

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Re: Rule Clarifications, please

Post by Rod » Thu Dec 08, 2022 11:20 pm

The first involves the missile phase of the game turn.

Under 29.2.c, it states or reads: “Both players resolve ranged combat.”

So, if, for example, Byzantine archers are facing off against Egyptian archers, and the Byzantine player is the active player for this phase of the game turn, and if both archer units are within range, then BOTH will let fly.

My presumption is that the Byzantine or active player rolls first. If the score results in the Egyptians being pushed back, then this will be done . . . before or after the Egyptian rolls for his missile fire. The exchange is essentially simultaneous or no, it is sequenced?

Let’s say that the units are at 3 MU distance and the Byzantines hit, which forces the Egyptians to fall back. This move would put them out of missile range, so they cannot fire back. Or, again, thinking that it all happens at the same time, the Egyptians won’t recoil until their dice and result are determined. One could see both units pushed back due to effective fire, correct?
The non-active or non-moving player fires all units first. Each shot is declared and resolved one at a time including fall back and destroyed, then the next shot declared and rolled for result. After all the non-active players archery is resolved, then the active player shots when any that are still eligible.

It is not simultaneous and if a unit falls back/is destroyed or it's potential target is gone or out of range then there is no longer a shot.
Where H represents friendly heavy foot; R represents friendly archers, and C represents enemy heavy foot.

H/C is the active player and has moved H onto the flank of enemy unit C.

R is within range of enemy unit C. According to 29.2.c, missile fire is resolved before 29.2.d, close combat.

If the archers [R] force enemy heavy foot C to fall back due to the effectiveness of the volley, will C be destroyed as it is falling back with an enemy unit in contact with its flank?
In the case you are describing, H has moved into flank contact, this means that H and C are in combat and C is no longer an eligible target for archery. They will resolve this combat during the combat phase.
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David Kuijt
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Re: Rule Clarifications, please

Post by David Kuijt » Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:09 am

HoaryCenturion wrote:
Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:17 pm
The first involves the missile phase of the game turn.

Under 29.2.c, it states or reads: “Both players resolve ranged combat.”

So, if, for example, Byzantine archers are facing off against Egyptian archers, and the Byzantine player is the active player for this phase of the game turn, and if both archer units are within range, then BOTH will let fly.

My presumption is that the Byzantine or active player rolls first. If the score results in the Egyptians being pushed back, then this will be done . . . before or after the Egyptian rolls for his missile fire. The exchange is essentially simultaneous or no, it is sequenced?
See rule 57. For example, 57.2: "All eligible stands belonging to the non-active player's army shoot first, followed by all eligible stands belonging to the active player's army."

Other parts of rule 57 answer other questions you have following.
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Re: Rule Clarifications, please

Post by HoaryCenturion » Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:38 pm

Thanks for the responses, clarifications and page/section references.
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