ZOC movement and Demoralization

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ZOC movement and Demoralization

Post by HoaryCenturion » Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:01 pm

Hello Gentlemen,

Perhaps this is "bad form" in that I am posting two rule queries instead of just one, and perhaps it would be better placed under the "Newbie" Section as I am not a frequent player of TRIUMPH! - but here we are.

Presently involved in a quasi-historical game and a unit of bad horse on the left of one army wanted to get away from some enemy light foot (2 units) and some bow levy (1 unit). The bad horse were within the enemy ZOC, so I looked up what was allowed in the rules.

Could someone explain the last sentence of 52.1.C for me? Is there a movement deduction for the bad horse to turn around? Or, are they allowed to pivot 180 degrees (they were facing the enemy units directly) and then move the permitted distance in the other direction?

The second question concerns this same sector of the field. The German command was effectively dismantled by the French. At what point does a command become demoralized and suffer the penalties associated with such a development? Does this happen immediately? So any other combats will be affected by the -1 rule for demoralized commands, or, is the accounting done at the end of the turn and then the command is labeled as demoralized?

Thanks in advance and apologies if these have been asked and addressed previously. I did a quick search and did not see anything related . . .

Last edited by HoaryCenturion on Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ZOC movement and Demomralization

Post by Rod » Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:32 am

52.1 c ...... you measure the move as the sum of the turn away and the forward movement after the turn.

There is no additional free movement, so measure the farthest moving front corner.

If you are playing Garand Triumph! demoralization affects are applied on the next turn after the command point total is reach not in the same combat round. So as you stated the accounting is done at the end of the turn.
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Re: ZOC movement and Demoralization

Post by HoaryCenturion » Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:38 pm

Thanks for the clarification. Appreciated.
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