round 2 Carthy's vs Romans/ Celtiberians

Discussion related to the upcoming Big Battle version of TRIUMPH!
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round 2 Carthy's vs Romans/ Celtiberians

Post by Roundie » Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:40 am

Here's a couple of pictures from today's crack at Grand Triumph.

Hannibal's (Michael) veterans went up against a Roman/Celtiberian army (me)
Grand triumph RvC1.jpg
Grand triumph RvC1.jpg (213.91 KiB) Viewed 6243 times
Grand triumph RvC1.jpg
Grand triumph RvC1.jpg (213.91 KiB) Viewed 6243 times
I won the manoeuvre roll and as he outmuscled me in Cavalry and Heavy foot I decided to pack the table with terrain.

The idea was sound but, I let myself down with the deployment.

The 1st few turns saw me rush the terrain on both flanks and in the centre.

Micheal counted the centre with a strong skirmish line, while on the flanks I just couldn't make any headway.
Grand Triumph RvC2.jpg
Grand Triumph RvC2.jpg (250.96 KiB) Viewed 6243 times
With the flanks turning into a sideshow Michael launched a massive cavalry attack on my centre-left

Killing my General and breaking the command. :o :o Things really fell apart very quickly for me here.
Grand triumph RvC4.jpg
Grand triumph RvC4.jpg (233.66 KiB) Viewed 6243 times
I tried to claw it back on the opposite flank but, despite double overlapping his elephants and attacking them with skirmishers they just wouldn't die :x :x .
Grand triumph RvC5.jpg
Grand triumph RvC5.jpg (276.08 KiB) Viewed 6243 times
No commander, no pips, no left flank and 2 camps open for the taking it didn't take long for Michael to clean me out.

Great days gaming.
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Re: round 2 Carthy's vs Romans/ Celtiberians

Post by Tirpitz » Thu Feb 24, 2022 12:24 am

Proud of my boy, Michael did really well and played all the right angles to get a result. Once Roundie's cavalry command was broken it was just a matter of time despite losing 2 elephants at the end as the 2 camps were about to be sacked. I think it was a 79 to 45 victory to Hannibal' forces in the nd and was a 3 hour slogging match, great to watch and put my 2 cents worth in :D
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