General on Flank - Bonus?

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General on Flank - Bonus?

Post by HoaryCenturion » Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:13 am

Good morning (6 minutes after 5 here),

It's been some time since I last visited, looked around and posted . . .

Currently revisiting TRIUMPH! with a grand scale Ottomans vs Mamluks contest. As one might imagine, the cavalry on the wings have been fighting while the infantry centers have yet to reach contact.

Anyway, in the confusing melees on the wings, I have had situations wherein a Horse Bow or Elite Cav with general will find itself on the flank of an enemy unit that is engaged to the front.

In most of these melees, it has been +3 versus +3. If the enemy is flanked, then it changes to +3 (attacker) vs +2 (defender). The question is: If the general is on the flank, there is no additional modifier to the attacking die as the combat is always resolved frontally, correct? So the modifiers would remain +3 vs +2.

If, on the other hand, the general and his cavalry unit were the only formation attacking an enemy flank, the enemy modifier would go down 1 while the attacking unit would receive the +1 for the general. So, potentially, a +4 vs a +2 situation.

On a related note, the demoralization rules are interesting . . . As I read and understand them, demoralized units can still fight (as long as they have the command pips and are within reduced command range). The caveat is that they will be minus 1 in the melee, along with other possible modifiers.

It's not decided yet, but looks like the Ottomans have the advantage. Mamluks on the Egyptian right, even with shower shooting, have been decimated by Akinjis and Qapukulu units.

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David Kuijt
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Re: General on Flank - Bonus?

Post by David Kuijt » Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:43 am

HoaryCenturion wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:13 am
The question is: If the general is on the flank, there is no additional modifier to the attacking die as the combat is always resolved frontally, correct? So the modifiers would remain +3 vs +2.
That is correct.
HoaryCenturion wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:13 am
As I read and understand them, demoralized units can still fight (as long as they have the command pips and are within reduced command range). The caveat is that they will be minus 1 in the melee, along with other possible modifiers.
Yup. The other major impact is that they run away if they don't get orders, and if they are out of command range "run away" means they disappear completely and count as lost.
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Re: General on Flank - Bonus?

Post by HoaryCenturion » Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:09 am

Well what do you know? I got something right!

Thanks for the responses.

Making additional note about the Demoralized Units . . . It does "hurt" when you roll a 2 for command points and have 6-7 units (not all in a group, mind you!) in a wing with faltering morale.

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