Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

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Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by gmcalum2001 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:43 am

Good evening all.

I have some Games Workshop "Start Collecting" boxes I was looking trade or sell.

One is the Space Marines box and the other is Sylvaneth. Only one figure from the Space Marine box is painted. They rest are all unpainted. They retail for $85 but I would not sell it for that much. I am looking for some 15mm's that would be enough to make a couple Triumph armies. Trading would be perfect if anyone is interested.

I also have many other GW figures (the benefits of working part-time at a local store).

Feel free to email me directly if you are interested.


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David Kuijt
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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by David Kuijt » Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:06 pm

Where are you based, Greg?

The Sylvaneth look cool.

What sort of "other" GW figs? High elf spearmen plastics? Any LOTR figs?

What sort of armies are you looking for, unpainted 15mm metal wise? I might have some that are spare, although I hate to let any go...
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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by gmcalum2001 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:55 pm

I am in Columbia, MD.

Other figures I have are some dwarves, night goblins (some painted), Blood Angels (again, some painted), and I do have some LOTR figures. Are you looking for anything in particular?

I also have the Silver Tower boxed set that has a ton of figures in it. I never played the rules, and really have no desire, just enjoy painting. That is kind of why I work there part-time:)

As far as armies? It really doesn't matter. I enjoy medieval/Renaissance.....I thank Bernard Cornwell and his books for that.

Let me know if you are looking for anything specific. I can appreciate not wanting to let anything go, so the figures can be a mix as well, not just complete armies.


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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by David Kuijt » Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:08 pm

gmcalum2001 wrote:I am in Columbia, MD.
Very near. I call dibs on any trades!!! (this was directed at DS, who will likely ignore my dibs anyway)
gmcalum2001 wrote: Other figures I have are some dwarves, night goblins (some painted), Blood Angels (again, some painted), and I do have some LOTR figures. Are you looking for anything in particular?
Nothing in particular; in a slow way I'm building armies to run Pelennor Fields in 28mm with LOTR figs; I'm in constant need of more goblins and orcs (not white hand orcs) and perhaps some Rohirrim mounted. I also like building fantasy armies (originally HotT, now Triumph) with nice figs, and the Sylvaneth would be really cool (and would match well with DS's Fantasy Treedude army made up of old D&D plastics, repaints, and the like).

gmcalum2001 wrote: I also have the Silver Tower boxed set that has a ton of figures in it. I never played the rules, and really have no desire, just enjoy painting. That is kind of why I work there part-time:)
I really like painting as well. I've got probably more than a hundred armies; many of them have 20 times as much paint-time as play-time in them.
gmcalum2001 wrote: As far as armies? It really doesn't matter. I enjoy medieval/Renaissance.....I thank Bernard Cornwell and his books for that.
I'll have to look through what I have.
gmcalum2001 wrote: Let me know if you are looking for anything specific. I can appreciate not wanting to let anything go, so the figures can be a mix as well, not just complete armies.


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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by gmcalum2001 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:30 pm

Thanks for looking. And if there are non-Med/Renn armies that is also fine too. I am prepared to lose no matter who I command.

As for the Riders of Rohan and Goblins/Orcs....Is there a quantity you needed?

Talk to you soon.
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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by David Kuijt » Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:07 am

Hey Greg,

I do have at least one army I could part with; it's an Essex Ayyubid Egyptian DBA v2 army. Like anyone with a zillion painted armies, I've got a lot of extra figs also, and I can look at what's in the bag and probably find enough additional stuff (Essex or similar-sized) to bring it up to Triumph! standards.

I'm pretty sure I've got at least one or two other armies bagged but unpainted, but I'll have to keep looking. One of them is an Essex Middle Assyrian army, and I need to keep that since DS is in the process of finishing up his Mitanni and I want an opponent for them. My art room is chaos at the moment. Actually, it's chaos at a lot of moments, but more than usual right now because of the ongoing effort to Triumph up my legacy armies.
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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by gmcalum2001 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:02 am

Hey David...in your first reply you mentioned some High Elf Spearmen....I have the Spire of Dawn boxed set...It has been sold out on the GW website for a while but it has a bunch of High Elves in there. Just throwing that out there since you specifically mentioned them....

There are 10 swordmasters and 10 spireguards and a couple other high elves...I bought the set for the amount if miniatures and the price, for me, was great. I am not going to play or paint them at all...they will just sit.

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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by David Kuijt » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:02 am

That looks like it might be very nice, Greg -- it's a little hard to find online images of the contents right now. If it is like what it seems online (rat dudes and high elves) then a single Essex army won't be enough to make a fair trade by itself; maybe I can find some other stuff to throw in to even things up. At a minimum I can try to find sufficient extra figs to make it a full Triumph army with most of the options. Or perhaps I can find another 15mm army I'm willing to add to the trade.

Since the semester has now started and is mostly underway I'm going to try to organize a gaming night at my place fairly soon; I'll probably send out the initial time/date query this weekend. You can bring the Spire of Dawn box over for me to take a look at and we can talk turkey (or figures, anyway).
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Re: Looking to trade/sell...preferrably trade

Post by gmcalum2001 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:27 am

A gaming night sounds perfect. I am almost finished with my 3 Swiss armies. They are ready to lose in a spectacular fashion. Look forward to hearing from you soon

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