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Year Filter in Meshwesh?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:19 am
by greedo
This might be more trouble than it's worth, but while building an army with my buddy whom I will introduce to Triumph next month, I suddenly asked him "what year are we playing" so that we can correctly build forces. It would be really helpful is that were a filter in Meshwesh where I either enter a year or pick a year or something, and then meshwesh could remove or grey out options that cannot be selected (such as Hannibals Veterans vs Hannibals Heavy foot. They are different depending on the year)

Anyway, guessing this would take too much time to go through each army, but thought to toss it out there in case it's easy to codify.

Re: Year Filter in Meshwesh?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:55 am
by spenn
While we are wishing, I would like a text field next to the "Quick Search" on the Meshwesh landing page where you could type in a year and then a list of armies would appear that cover that year.

Re: Year Filter in Meshwesh?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:36 am
by AlexiusBasileus
For the time being, Meshwesh is stable with no new features planned until at least after the completion of Fantasy Triumph!

However, we do have some planned upgrades in our backlog including descriptive text for the armies, the correction of battlecard availability for allies, and several minor related fixes. The per army year filter has a low probability of implementation because of difficulty, but the filter armies by year has a better chance of making a future release. Please don't hold your breath waiting for those changes as we have no schedule for them at all at this time.

The cheater's trick that I use in lieu of that year search is to find an army that I know from that year and to work my way through their enemies. That isn't so great if one player has an army from the Americas and the other has a Chinese army, but it can serve as at least a partial interim solution.

Any other suggestions regarding Meshwesh improvements could and should be made here on the forum. When we do circle back to updating Meshwesh, we will consider the cost-benefit of all suggestions to determine what changes we may be actually able to make.