Tournaments at Fall In 2022: Results

Please post results and scores from TRIUMPH! events and tournaments
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David Kuijt
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Tournaments at Fall In 2022: Results

Post by David Kuijt » Fri Nov 11, 2022 1:09 pm

Classical Theme Tournament (Friday, Nov 4): I was the tournament organizer, and we had an odd number, so I participated. Luckily I didn't win; that would have been awkward! And a big Thanks to Vendel/Thistle&Rose minis for supporting the tournament, giving every player a stand worth of Hoplite Era figures in 28mm scale (Vendel) and an equipped Elephant and Crew for the winner!

Results were:
  • 361 pts: Terence McPartland, Severan MIR. 2x JavCav, 2x Archers, 4x Raiders, 4x Elite Ft, 1x BC: Hold the Line (0 pts)
  • 249 pts: David Kuijt, Dacians with Sarmatian Ally. 1x JavCav, 6x Wb, 2x Raiders, 3x Bow Levy, 3x Knights (Sarmatian Ally)
  • 223 pts: Spencer Ginder, Numidians. 5x JavCav, 1x El, 2x Lt Foot, 2x Skirm, 4x Heavy Foot
  • 213 pts: Paul Stapleton, Marian Roman. 1x JavCav, 8x Elite Foot, 2x Lt Foot, 1x Skirmisher, 1x Bad Horse
  • 141 pts: Tony Zallnick, Diocletian MIR. 2x JavCav, 1x Horsebow, 1x Cataphract, 4x Elite Foot, 1x Raider, 2x Lt Foot, 2x Skirm.
  • 121 pts: Keith Stremmel, Apulian. 3x JavCav, 10x Lt Foot, 2x Rabble
  • 116 pts: Troy Heck, Warlike Gallic. 9x Warrior, 2x JavCav, 2x Bad Horse, 2x Battle Taxi
  • 29 pts: Chris Cosentino, Dacian. (don't have an army list on this sheet)
It was a fun tournament, with a fun complement of armies.
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David Kuijt
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Re: Tournaments at Fall In 2022: Results

Post by David Kuijt » Fri Nov 11, 2022 3:57 pm

15mm Open Tournament (Saturday, Nov 5): I was the tournament organizer, and we had an even number, so I didn't get to play. I was making ready my Gilgamesh Era Sumerians, but no joy for Gilgameshwesh!

  • 230 pts: Spencer Ginder, Post-Mongol Samurai.
  • 227 pts: Terence McPartland, Nikephorian Byzantine.
  • 152 pts: Tony Zallnick, Alexander Macedonian.
  • 123 pts: Troy Heck, Later Italian Condotta.
  • 119 pts: Keith Stemmel, Early Italian Condotta.
  • 113 pts: Chris Cosentino, Abassid.
We had one unfinished game in the first round. Every player won at least one battle!

Again, a big thanks for the support of Vendel/Thistle&Rose, who provided prizes for all participants and the grand prize!
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Re: Tournaments at Fall In 2022: Results

Post by Spencer » Fri Nov 11, 2022 4:50 pm

Thursday Warm Up Open Tournament (Thursday, Nov 4):
We had a small number of participants for the Pre-Con/Night before event. Not surprising because I added it to the schedule late and it was not well advertised. Still, we had 4 players which actually works great. Four players gives you 3 rounds and everybody gets to play all the other players. Everyone won at least one game and everyone lost at least one, So results were tight!

Results were:
• 241 pts: David Kuijt, Ming Chinese. 2x EliteCav, 2x HorseBow, 2x Elite Ft, 2x Heavy Ft, 3xPavise, 2x Artillery (rockets!)
• 238 pts: Mike Guth, Later Greco Bactrian. 2x JavCav, 2x Cataphract, 2x Knight, 1x Elephant, 2x Pike, 2x Lt Spear, 2x Archers
• 121 pts: Al Lyons, Post Mongol Samurai. , 3x HorseBow, 2xJavCav, 2x Archers, 3x Raiders, 4x Rabble
• 107 pts: Spencer Ginder, Classical Indian. 3x Elephant, 2x Chariots, 3x Bad Horse, 8x Bow Levy, 1x Skirmisher
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Re: Tournaments at Fall In 2022: Results

Post by Spencer » Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:33 pm

Justinian’s War of Reconquista (Friday Evening, Nov 5): Breaking News! ROME VICTORIOUS!
Mike Guth was the event organizer and he developed 5 scenarios for the campaign. I built 5 fixed terrain boards and Mike provided all the armies. We had a perfect number of 8 Players that we organized into two teams - Romans vs Invaders. This gave everyone a chance to play every one of the 4 scenarios that we chose and to play each player on the opposing team. The scenarios had fixed deployment and each had some special rules to add flavor and historical accuracy. The battles were as follows: Ad Decimum, Tricamerum, Plains of Nero (outside Rome) and Taginae. Byzantine Romans won 9 of the 16 contests and we had one unfinished game. The top2 scoring players received professionally printed, 15mm scale, vinyl play mats that had deployment and terrain sectors marked. Mike provided those and a framed trophy plaque for the top player on each team, Thistle and Rose provided miniature packs as prize support as well.
Results were:
• 479 pts: David Kuijt, Roman
• 360 pts: Jonathan Miller, Roman
• 234 pts: Terrence McPartland, Roman
• 234 pts: Spencer Ginder, Invader
• 227 pts: Jay ?, Invader
• 136 pts: Dan Burgess, Roman
• 128 pts: Alan Z., Invader
• 32 pts: Richard Blythe, Invader
Last edited by Spencer on Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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