Sparta vs Athens - Second Battle

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Texus Maximus
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Sparta vs Athens - Second Battle

Post by Texus Maximus » Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:27 am

Stephen and I met again on a Saturday at the new game store in Fate, Texas for a rematch of Athens versus Sparta. I had the Athenians with three Light Foot, two Skirmishers, one Javelin Cavalry, and nine Heavy Foot. I also had a fortified camp and the Pack Trains and Herds battle card to allow some flexibility in camp placement. Stephen had two Elite Foot, two Rabble, three Light Foot, a Bad Horse, and eight Heavy Foot.

Stephen got to set up the terrain and chose five pieces to set out. Two of the pieces were significant in the battle - a steep hill towards the center and some rough ground on the Athenian right flank. The other terrain played no part in the battle and is omitted on the map.

Stephen’s plan was to contest the steep hill with his Rabble while advancing the center. My plan was to overwhelm the Rabble and try to turn into the Spartan flank, or at least distract troops from the center.


Stephen moved aggressively and got his light troops onto the steep hill first. His Heavy Foot advanced and began a slow wheel towards the Athenian main body.


I saw that my Athenian cavalry was hemmed in and sent it to the left flank to support the Light Foot.


Stephen judged correctly that his Rabble were outmatched and withdrew them from the steep hill.


The Spartan Light Foot and Bad Horse move to clear the woods. I thought the Skirmishers would be able to hold for a few turns but they were no match.



The Javelin Cavalry can move fast enough to bypass the Rabble and made a successful run for the camp, giving Athens 8 points. It cost a lot of command points, as they were out of command range most of the time.


The Spartan Light Foot and Bad Horse make short work of the Skirmishers and begin turning through the rough terrain towards the Athenian flank and rear.


I had to turn troops away from the main line to meet the threat coming from the rough ground.


My only chance was to press the attack with my Light Foot and Javelin Cavalry. Two Spartan Rabble were destroyed and one Spartan Light Foot was destroyed on the right flank by some Athenian hoplites, giving the Athenians 15 points!


The Athenian flank is rolled up, losing four stands of Heavy Foot and two Skirmishers, for 18 points. Stephen led the Spartans to victory with an aggressive attack through the rough ground that outflanked the Athenian main line. An excellent game and great fun; Stephen is a great player but also focused on enjoying the game.



A few more pictures of the main hoplite lines, who spent the game shoving back and forth until the light troops and mounted Spartans flanked them.


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