Fantasy Triumph: some initial rules
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:59 pm
Here are the rules for Up!:
8. Up! (Tunneling, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, JumpJets)
Cost: +1/2 per stand.
Up represents the ability of stands to remove themselves from the battle by some special movement and then returning on a later turn in some other part of the battlefield to continue the fight. The special effect (method of movement) could be tunneling underground, teleportation, dimensional travel, jump jets, and any similar method that prevents interaction between stands and the battlefield until they reappear at some other position at some point in the future. Flight gives this ability but is a different battle card, as it gives movement abilities on the battlefield as well as off it.
Stands with this ability act as their normal troop type in all respects, but gain the ability to travel to and from an off-map reserve area named appropriately (“Underground” for tunneling, other names for dimensional travel or teleportation). Underground functions in every respect like “Up” does for Flight.
If a stand fulfills the requirements to disengage from combat with an enemy and has this ability, they may disengage to “Up” even if they have insufficient room to do so on the map.
Up represents everywhere out of contact with the battlefield. Flying units that are Up are out of the battle. Coolest way to represent this would be to glue together an acrylic sheet and some acrylic rods and put this beside the battlefield (storing any stands that are Up on the acrylic), but any representation would do. Any flying unit can move to Up; Any flying unit can move from Up to the battlefield. Not both in the same turn. Flying units can deploy Up.
Moving from the battlefield to Up, or from Up to the battlefield, requires one extra command point (+1). Group movement to or from Up is possible.
Everything Up is out of command control. The only exception is if the General is Up, in which case everything Up is in command control and everything on the map is not in command control.
Moving from Up back to the battlefield allows you to place your stand (or group) anywhere on the map more than 4mu from enemy. Yes, that means in two turns (one to Up, and the next turn from Up to the map) you can be 4mu from the enemy camp.
Everything resident in Up counts as a casualty until it returns to the battle, but at 1/2 normal value. So a 4pt stand that is Up counts as 2pts of casualties. This represents the fact that the REST of the army has no idea where they are or if they are ever coming back. It is quite possible to break your army by retreating a bunch of it to Up. If you don't want to do that, you have to keep them in the battle. As a side benefit, this stops any army from flying to Up and saying "Nanee-nanee-boo-boo."
No combat is possible Up. There's lots of air, and finding each other in it is difficult. This choice is made for simplicity, and to keep the game focused on the ground combat. If you want to play an air combat wargame there are lots of better options than Triumph.
No more than 12 points of stands may deploy Up at the beginning of the game.
8. Up! (Tunneling, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, JumpJets)
Cost: +1/2 per stand.
Up represents the ability of stands to remove themselves from the battle by some special movement and then returning on a later turn in some other part of the battlefield to continue the fight. The special effect (method of movement) could be tunneling underground, teleportation, dimensional travel, jump jets, and any similar method that prevents interaction between stands and the battlefield until they reappear at some other position at some point in the future. Flight gives this ability but is a different battle card, as it gives movement abilities on the battlefield as well as off it.
Stands with this ability act as their normal troop type in all respects, but gain the ability to travel to and from an off-map reserve area named appropriately (“Underground” for tunneling, other names for dimensional travel or teleportation). Underground functions in every respect like “Up” does for Flight.
If a stand fulfills the requirements to disengage from combat with an enemy and has this ability, they may disengage to “Up” even if they have insufficient room to do so on the map.
Up represents everywhere out of contact with the battlefield. Flying units that are Up are out of the battle. Coolest way to represent this would be to glue together an acrylic sheet and some acrylic rods and put this beside the battlefield (storing any stands that are Up on the acrylic), but any representation would do. Any flying unit can move to Up; Any flying unit can move from Up to the battlefield. Not both in the same turn. Flying units can deploy Up.
Moving from the battlefield to Up, or from Up to the battlefield, requires one extra command point (+1). Group movement to or from Up is possible.
Everything Up is out of command control. The only exception is if the General is Up, in which case everything Up is in command control and everything on the map is not in command control.
Moving from Up back to the battlefield allows you to place your stand (or group) anywhere on the map more than 4mu from enemy. Yes, that means in two turns (one to Up, and the next turn from Up to the map) you can be 4mu from the enemy camp.
Everything resident in Up counts as a casualty until it returns to the battle, but at 1/2 normal value. So a 4pt stand that is Up counts as 2pts of casualties. This represents the fact that the REST of the army has no idea where they are or if they are ever coming back. It is quite possible to break your army by retreating a bunch of it to Up. If you don't want to do that, you have to keep them in the battle. As a side benefit, this stops any army from flying to Up and saying "Nanee-nanee-boo-boo."
No combat is possible Up. There's lots of air, and finding each other in it is difficult. This choice is made for simplicity, and to keep the game focused on the ground combat. If you want to play an air combat wargame there are lots of better options than Triumph.
No more than 12 points of stands may deploy Up at the beginning of the game.