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Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:55 pm
by Brummbär

Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:30 am
by Bill Hupp
Great job on all this Paul!

Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:32 pm
by Texus Maximus
Hobbit Home

This piece will serve as a camp for the Shire defenders in my Middle Earth six-player game.



I started with a piece of closed cell foam and cut the rough shape. Then it was sanded and glued to a base made from vinyl floor tile. I used spackle to smooth out the edges where the foam met the vinyl. The front wall was cut from cardboard then details added using balsa wood, cardboard, and jewelry findings (thanks for the idea Paul Potter) as the window shapes. It is hard to tell from the photos, but it is only about 4.5 inches across.

The bushes flanking the home are from "Tajima1". The plants in front of the window are from Army Painter. The Hobbit lady with the broom was from some civilian set; she seemed especially small and so was perfect for this camp.

This build only took a few hours of actual crafting and painting, but there was a lot of drying time between the steps so it stretched out over about three days.








Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:02 pm
by Brummbär
Nice 👍

Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:46 pm
by Gregorius
Cracking work again Paul!


Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 9:02 pm
by Texus Maximus
Some Hobbits to defend the Shire. There are two stands of Skirmishers and one Rabble. The rabble stand represents Farmer Maggot and his ferocious dogs. All the figures are unmodified Battle Valor scuplts.




The stands below are special markers tied to event cards for the six-player scenario I have planned. On the left we have Fredegar Bolger blowing the horn-call of Buckland. Next to him are Frodo and Sam, then Merry and Pippin. Bilbo is on the far right.

Fredegar, Frodo, and Sam are modified Battle Valor figures. Merry, Pippin, and Bilbo are all conversions of the same Tin Soldier sculpt.




Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 4:52 am
by Brummbär
As always: super nice minis - I am always checking what new surprises you bring to the table.
Keep them coming. Really love what you are doing here!!!

Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 4:08 pm
by Texus Maximus
Bree is the next stop along the road. Here the ringbearer will find an Inn, defended by the Innkeeper and his employees, along with some of the braver locals. These are two stands of Rabble in Triumph! terms. There is also a hero; Aragorn as a ranger of the wilderness.
And of course Bill the Pony.

The Inn is a reworked paper model with some red tea lights inside. The rabble stands are by Corvus Belli and Two Dragons, except for the Innkeeper who is a converted Old Glory medieval artilleryman. Aragorn is by Splintered Light. Bill the Pony is a Falcon brand pack horse, with the legs slightly shortened to make him more pony-like.


Paper Model Conversion

Here is the inn alongside a similar paper model. The paper model is nice and would look just fine as part of a village, but I need to keep all the terrain pieces small for the game I have planned so I decided to make it more "3D" since it will be standing alone. I took the model apart and mounted it all on foamcore and cardboard to make it sturdier. Balsa strips were then glued on for the timber framing. The windows were cut out and replaced with wire mesh so that the tea lights could shine through. The chimney was carved from closed cell foam. The base is some vinyl tile with more attention paid to accessories and ground cover.

The original idea was to just add painted balsa strips for the timber and leave the other original colors, but by the time I got done all of it was painted over except the roof.


Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 4:17 pm
by Brummbär
Love it!!!!!

Re: 15mm Lord of the Rings Figures

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 5:36 pm
by Texus Maximus
Going back a little on the journey: the Old Forest and the Barrow Downs.

The Old Forest (in Triumph! terms, a section of Woods that is impassible to enemy Heroes) was made for me by my daughter Alice. Tom Bombadil is a converted Two Dragons peasant figure. In fact you can see the base figure on the stand to the left of Barliman Butterbur in the photos of Bree that were posted recently.


The Barrow Downs is an old resin piece that I may have gotten from Hovels many years ago. I was going to use it for my Early European Bronze Age army but it was just right for Fantasy Triumph! The barrow will be a piece of rough terrain.


The Barrows are guarded by two stands of Wights. These are Light Foot with the Terror special ability. The figures are from Rebel Miniatures.
