It took me 2 hours and 40 minutes of actual work to get these ready to use, starting from when they came out of the bag and ending when they were ready to set on the table. This doesn't count the numerous pauses for drying glue, drying paint, drying the stain, etc.
The actual painting only took 80 minutes, so about 4 minutes per figure. These went fast because these are nice sculpts with little flash and sharp detail, and also because I did not do any conversions. I recommend these Battle Valor figures highly; very easy to paint.

I drilled holes in their arms to make sure the shields attached firmly.

Putting them on a stick facing the same way facilitates painting them like an assembly line. They were then primed black. I use a brush and craft paint because I wanted to make certain there was no metal showing.

After painting, I dry-brushed a light gray then stained them with Minwax Satin Tudor. Then a spray of Dullcote.

Basing is model railroad ballast mixed in various sizes secured with white glue. It is then painted with craft paint (Mississippi Mud) and a light drybrush of light sand. Then some tufts and model railroad ground cover.

Ready for use! I left the shields a plain black so they can supplement any of the forces of evil. Can't have too many goblin rabble.