Queries re: Scythed Chariot Battlecard

Discussion of the upcoming Battle Card system for TRIUMPH!
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Queries re: Scythed Chariot Battlecard

Post by skc » Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:44 am

Re: Scythed Chariots. (Posted under Scythed Chariot Topic but not sure if will be seen so re-posted as new topic.

1. Must there be 'space' to fit a chariot in. I.E. a gap between the lines which can fit a 2mux2mu Skythed chariot model/card, and/or can the chariot appear from the rear or flank of target unit? (unlikely historically I guess)
2. Can the target stand already be in close combat, even if no space to 'fit' a chariot.?

I've been so far playing it as.
Only use the card if there is space to fit. Try to have a suitable say Jav Cav stand ready to charge in. (takes some 'juggling' which I've felt depicts real life better.) Have used rear or flank but think its unrealistic.

Please clarify.

Thanks in advance.
Skythe Chariot Mithradatic -Roman pic.jpg
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David Schlanger
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Re: Queries re: Scythed Chariot Battlecard

Post by David Schlanger » Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:46 pm

Thanks for the question. First, I want to make sure you are using the most recent version of the Battle Card rules here: https://wgc-battle-cards.s3.us-east-2.a ... OC+mod.pdf

1. 1. Must there be 'space' to fit a chariot in. I.E. a gap between the lines which can fit a 2mux2mu Skythed chariot model/card, and/or can the chariot appear from the rear or flank of target unit? (unlikely historically I guess)

There need not be space to fit a chariot. You can choose to mark the enemy stands in any way you see fit visually (you could use a scythed chariot model on a 40x40 base OR you could just put down anything really). The marker just shows which enemy stand or stands is suffering from the effect of the Scythed Chariot/Stampede Battle Card. You could place the marker behind it, on top of it, whatever works best.

2. Can the target stand already be in close combat, even if no space to 'fit' a chariot.?

So first when you play the battle card you will mark the enemy stand and then the ONLY way you get the actual benefit from playing the Battle Card is to engage that stand in combat with one of your army's stands. Otherwise the card will be wasted. You just need to be able to move into legal combat in order to get the benefit of the card.

I hope this makes sense!
Let me know if it doesn't and we can discuss further.

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Re: Queries re: Scythed Chariot Battlecard

Post by skc » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:26 am

Thanks David,
That does clarify it somewhat. Essentially to mark a stand. (not already in close combat?)
Just a bit more on close combat. Can the stand be in any form of close combat. (e.g. flank attacked, frontal, back or must it not already be in any close combat at all?)
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