What counts? Meshwesh or Supplement 2023.pdf?

Discussion of the upcoming Battle Card system for TRIUMPH!
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Haroldo Hic
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What counts? Meshwesh or Supplement 2023.pdf?

Post by Haroldo Hic » Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:54 pm

I hope you're all doing well and greetings from Switzerland.
We're getting along pretty well with Triumph! sofar (saying a sad good-bye to DBA 2.2+), thank you for the great rule set.
Lately I've purchased the hard copy Battle Cards and the Supplement version1 pdf from 2023.
But I'm unsure about which counts: the Meshwesh Battle Card entries or the documents menitioned above?
e.g. Pack Train and Herds.
- in the Supplement2023+hard copy Battle Cards: Cost is ZERO and may NOT be garrisoned
- in Meshwesh: Cost is ONE and camp MAY be garrisoned

Which applies? Since we have a tournament coming up we would like to be sure and therefore kindly request a brief reply.

Thanks and have a great spring season!

Haroldo Hic
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David Kuijt
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Re: What counts? Meshwesh or Supplement 2023.pdf?

Post by David Kuijt » Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:21 am

Haroldo Hic wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:54 pm
I hope you're all doing well and greetings from Switzerland.
We're getting along pretty well with Triumph! sofar (saying a sad good-bye to DBA 2.2+), thank you for the great rule set.
Lately I've purchased the hard copy Battle Cards and the Supplement version1 pdf from 2023.
But I'm unsure about which counts: the Meshwesh Battle Card entries or the documents menitioned above?
e.g. Pack Train and Herds.
- in the Supplement2023+hard copy Battle Cards: Cost is ZERO and may NOT be garrisoned
- in Meshwesh: Cost is ONE and camp MAY be garrisoned

Which applies? Since we have a tournament coming up we would like to be sure and therefore kindly request a brief reply.
Thanks for pointing that out, Haraldo. One of them is a slightly older version. I'm going to have to track down which one, though. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon. My suspicion is that zero point / no garrison is the correct one, but I have to look for the relevant documents to validate that. I have a very vague memory of our internal discussion (several years back) where we said something like "garrisoning an open field with lots of goats is stupid" and we removed the point cost because there are advantages and disadvantages to it (not a clear always advantage, like fortified camp).
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