Commands of different Nations - How do I sort terrain?

Discussion related to the upcoming Big Battle version of TRIUMPH!
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Commands of different Nations - How do I sort terrain?

Post by skc » Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:37 am

Our Club is planning some 96pts a side game, but owing to figure shortage, both sides have commands of 2 x 48pt armies, but of different nations.

Has anyone devised a setup system that accounts for each command having different Manouvre Ratings, Invasion Ratings, Home Terrain etc? We're using 96x32mu boards, 15mm scale. (Also similarly for 144pt. IE. 3X Commands of differing nations a side)

Help on the FB Page did suggest using the C-in-C's home terrain and designate the rest as 'Allies' however not sure how well this will go down for say one who has a Warband army and another who has an all Horse army.

I see another post here re 96pts. Will also try work that one out. Problem is most in the Club don't have a full 96/144 army of the same nation, so individual nations must be used.
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