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15mm Villanovan Italian Camp

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:42 pm
by Texus Maximus
This plain camp features a shepherd on a hilltop next to a simple stone hut. It ties into the piece of scatter terrain next to it; two young twin boys accompanied by a she-wolf.


Although the site of Rome, founded in about 753 BC by Romulus, seems to be at the edge of most maps depicting the extent of Villanovan culture, it was just too hard to resist including this scene. It is certainly the right time frame (800-650 BC) for the Later Villanovan army list and at least very close to the right area.


The stone hut is from Baueda. The shepherd is from Forged in Battle, Romulus and Remus are Irregular, and the wolf is from Peter Pig.