2mm Sea Peoples
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:31 am
A few months ago I had a bunch of unpainted 2mm ancients stuff lying around but no idea what rules to base and paint them for. Then I remembered going to Historicon and seeing a bunch of people playing a curious little ruleset called Triumph. I dug out the pdf copy of the rules I had bought and decided to give it a go with the few painted minis I did have (some Hellenic and Roman stuff based for Lost Battles) and had a blast of a time...even if all the units being on 1" squares caused some *interesting* results. With such a good showing I decided to paint and base all my 2mm ancients into Triumph armies covering the 'biblicals' era from the Late Bronze Age to end of the Iron Age in the ANE.
One such army are the horn-helmeted ne'er-do-wells plotting in their islands: The Sea Peoples.
One such army are the horn-helmeted ne'er-do-wells plotting in their islands: The Sea Peoples.