Rise of Macedon

A place to share painting tips and photos of painted armies and figures
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Re: Rise of Macedon

Post by chris6 » Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:31 am

Thank God they are cast on....I hate loose spears and shields on 15mm miniatures. They are hard to keep in place in the heat of the fight, espacially when 2 battleliines are close together and the spears and pikes start to fiddle in each other.

But be aware that the museuam miniatures Z series look much better in the pictures on their site than in reality. I don t mean these are bad quality miniatures. They are very nice, but the process of making them from a CAD printer means that the the tunicas for example are not very exposed from the flesh and for me it was a lot a guessing where to paint what? After all I could not go with my normal procedure spray black and start painting. It would be hard to see details on the minis when sprayed black. I had to wash the mini black with GW Nuln Oil to get the details visible.

So after painting the Pikes part of the miniatures I am not really looking forward to do the hoplites....
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