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Suggestions for My Next Project are sought
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:28 pm
by jdesmond
Salutations, gentlefolk !
The Early / Middle Imperial Romans should be ready to take the field this coming week. The Early Germans, Parthians, Palmyrans and Picts will be coming on, thereafter, to give them some opposition.
After that, my pile of unpainted lead will supply the complete army list for the Sui/Tang Chinese, and for the Early Crusaders.
Which of these would _you_ do first, and why ?
Yours, John
Re: Suggestions for My Next Project are sought
Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:34 am
by David Schlanger
Sounds great John!
I am partial to the Sui / Tang over the Crusaders, as I tend to love the Chinese armies. Also there would be few people fielding the army! However, the Crusaders would be more likely used in future themed events at Conventions. I could see either as a good choice
Re: Suggestions for My Next Project are sought
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:41 am
by FanatiChris
" pile of unpainted lead will supply the complete army list for the Sui/Tang Chinese.."
Always good to use the figures you have...but Murphy's Law prevails in that Essex has just updated/reissued their range of Sui/Tang. ... ui-chinese
Re: Suggestions for My Next Project are sought
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:30 am
by jdesmond
Salutations, FanatiChris, David, and other gentlefolk !
Most of the figures in both Sui/Tang and ECrusaders are Outpost's, acquired from Syr Hobbs' closeoutsale last summer, with Essex filling in the gaps and providing a plurality of the Chinese cavalry.
At present, finishing up Middle Imp Romans, then Early Germans to oppose them, Poly/Marian Romans to fight the barbarians as well, then some Palmyrans/Parthians/Armenians to open another front. And then...
The problem with the Sui/Tang is the basic theme of Chinese military history. For the first three millenia of Chinese civilization, if you were a Chinese who 'was somebody', the only real threat to your way of life would come from the north or northwest, riding ponies and wielding a bow. Certainly, there was action against pirates along the coast, and pushing civilization forward against the barbarians to the South, but when it counted, the enemy would be Horse Bows. So the Emperor built forces that were optimized for fighting mounted bowmen - but not that good against other varieties of enemy.
Meanwhile, yours truly thought he'd gotten his Palmyran camels primed and ready to paint, but got somewhat frantic, not finding them where he'd thought he put them, thinking he'd gone through 'senior moments' into raving senility. Finally found them in box he thought he would never have put them in... Lotta time wasted lately.
Yours, John
Re: Suggestions for My Next Project are sought
Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:33 pm
by Hotrod
I had a similar senior moment with my Rameses Egyptian Army, gave up looking for the primed chariots parts, and primed the spares that I had, then carefully chose a "safe place" where they wouldn't get lost this time, only to bump a box off the back of the shelf I didn't see and what popped out? All the primed parts from the chariots I had been looking for!
I had a lot of fun playing the Mongols at Cold Wars, so if/when I move out of Biblical ancients, Mongols vs Chinese would be the choice for me too! Peace and hot dice.