Probably incorrect references in Meshwesh battle cards

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Probably incorrect references in Meshwesh battle cards

Post by Delphin » Thu May 28, 2020 11:50 pm

I found this text In the Meshwesh battle card "Pack Train and Herds":
In addition, the army’s camp is deployed when its last troops are deployed (27.2.d or 27.2.e, depending upon whether the player is the disadvantaged player or not), not at the usual time (27.2.a or 27.2.b).
In the Triumph! 1.1 rules section 17 (TERRAIN CARDS) was added, so following rules was shifted and section 27 is CENTER DEPLOYMENT, while DEPLOYMENT: PLACING CAMPS AND TROOPS is 28. So, references should be 28.2d, 28.2e etc.

Same problems was found in battle cards "Hoplite Deep Formation" and "Prepared Defenses".
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David Kuijt
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Re: Probably incorrect references in Meshwesh battle cards

Post by David Kuijt » Fri May 29, 2020 11:00 am

Delphin wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 11:50 pm
I found this text In the Meshwesh battle card "Pack Train and Herds":
In addition, the army’s camp is deployed when its last troops are deployed (27.2.d or 27.2.e, depending upon whether the player is the disadvantaged player or not), not at the usual time (27.2.a or 27.2.b).
In the Triumph! 1.1 rules section 17 (TERRAIN CARDS) was added, so following rules was shifted and section 27 is CENTER DEPLOYMENT, while DEPLOYMENT: PLACING CAMPS AND TROOPS is 28. So, references should be 28.2d, 28.2e etc.

Same problems was found in battle cards "Hoplite Deep Formation" and "Prepared Defenses".
Thanks, I thought I'd fixed that.
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