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Couple of quick questions —

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:01 pm
by HoaryCenturion
Gentlemen Experts,

Apologies if these questions/topics have been covered before . . .

I am in the early stages of a largish contest (historical fiction) and,

1. Can an engaged unit have a negative combat modifier? For example, a unit of Javelin Cavalry is attacked by a unit of Bad Horse. The Javelin Cavalry are normally +2 vs Mounted. However, this Javelin Cavalry is part of a demoralized command, so it drops to +1. The unfortunate unit is also overlapped on its right, so that takes its value to 0. Adding to the problems of the poor Javelin Cavalry, they are also attacked from behind by a unit of enemy Light Foot. Does this take the total modifier to minus 1?

2. Regarding command and control of demoralized formations . . . the general or sub-general has a reduced command radius of 8 MUs. If this radius can reach the closer unit of a small group, say 3 units total, is the whole group considered in command? Or, will the 2 units beyond the 8 MU reach have to conduct a rout move?

Thanks in advance for your counsel and reference to pages, if any. Apologies again for any redundancy.


Re: Couple of quick questions —

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:07 am
by Rod
HoaryCenturion wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:01 pm
Gentlemen Experts,

Apologies if these questions/topics have been covered before . . .

I am in the early stages of a largish contest (historical fiction) and,

1. Can an engaged unit have a negative combat modifier? For example, a unit of Javelin Cavalry is attacked by a unit of Bad Horse. The Javelin Cavalry are normally +2 vs Mounted. However, this Javelin Cavalry is part of a demoralized command, so it drops to +1. The unfortunate unit is also overlapped on its right, so that takes its value to 0. Adding to the problems of the poor Javelin Cavalry, they are also attacked from behind by a unit of enemy Light Foot. Does this take the total modifier to minus 1?
Yes, you can go -1 or below. If your total score is a negative after the die roll, any positive number on the opponent's side is the same as doubling.
HoaryCenturion wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:01 pm
2. Regarding command and control of demoralized formations . . . the general or sub-general has a reduced command radius of 8 MUs. If this radius can reach the closer unit of a small group, say 3 units total, is the whole group considered in command? Or, will the 2 units beyond the 8 MU reach have to conduct a rout move?
You can give the group a command like hold or move and the group is in command if part of it is in reach.

Re: Couple of quick questions —

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:54 pm
by HoaryCenturion
Cheers, Rod. Thanks for your rapid responses. This clears things up.