Thanks for the clarification on 42.2a/b/c... I
think I can see why the clauses needed now.
David Kuijt wrote: Basically there are two different "conforms" going on [...] They both use the verb "conform", but it isn't really quite the same thing going on.
Actually, the only procedure called 'conforming' in the rules is the 'group-hits-single-element' situation described in article 42- the 'turning to face flank/rear attack' described in article 55 is never called 'conforming' in the rules. I don't see this as a source of confusion- they are different procedures happening at different times.
To sum things up, my understanding of how to resolve misaligned/imperfect contacts is the following:
1) During the movement phase:
- if a group or single element moves so that is causes 'proper' front/flank/rear contacts only, then everything is fine and no further action is needed.
- whenever a group stops its movement in contact with a single stand, but it's not a proper front/flank/rear contact - then apply article 42 immediately, forcing the contacted single stand to conform.
- whenever any other non-proper contact is established (group contacting group, single element contacting group) - then apply article 44 (in this context, article 44.2 is particularly relevant, meaning that non-combat-inducing contacts are OK and they remain in play as they stand).
2) During the combat phase:
- refer to article 55 if the attacker is in proper flank or rear contact.
Is this correct?