Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

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Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by HoaryCenturion » Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:05 pm


Hmmm, not a lot of new posts . . .

Oh well, here's something I've been thinking about:

Trying a version of Issus but using different armies and it's taking place about 600-700 years later.

Groups cannot move across difficult terrain such as a river, right? This can only be done by tactical moves which require each unit to spend a command pip, right?

I see that cavalry can only move 3 mu in difficult terrain.

If a unit of horse bow starts out 5 mu away from the river, can it move across the river if the river is 1.5 mu wide? Or, would the horse bow wind up 1.5 mu on the other bank?

Sorry if this is a silly question, by I want to be sure I get it right before launching a cavalry attack across a water obstacle.

Thanks for your responses.

Last edited by HoaryCenturion on Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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David Kuijt
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Re: Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by David Kuijt » Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:38 pm

HoaryCenturion wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:05 pm
I see that cavalry can only move 3 mu in difficult terrain.

If a unit of horse bow starts out 5 mu away from the river, can it move across the river if the river is 1.5 mu wide? Or, would the horse bow wind up 1.5 mu on the other bank?
Hey Chris,

See rule 35.2. "Mounted troops have a move distance of 3mu if any part of their move is in or through difficult terrain."

So if your unit of horsebow starts out 5mu away from the river, or 6.5mu, or 7.9mu, it doesn't matter -- it cannot move into the river at all that turn. Why? Because if it did, part of their move would be through difficult terrain. If part of their move is through difficult terrain, it cannot move more than 3mu. Period.

There is no teleporting over the river or anything like that. The only way you get to the far side is moving through the river; doing that means you cannot move more than 3mu.
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Re: Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by HoaryCenturion » Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:29 am

DK, I was aware of the rule you referenced. I just wanted clarification.

As before, you have come through quickly and answered the posed query, if perhaps in a perceived less than tolerant tone. But whatever.

I do not believe I mentioned anything about "teleporting" over the river . . .

Based on your patient explanation, if my model river is in fact 1.5 or even 2 MUs wide, than per the rule, if I understand it, a unit of horse bow on the edge of the far bank can move 3 MU in this difficult terrain. Thus, it would be able to clear the river by 1.5 or 1 MU.

Thanks again.

Have a nice weekend and holiday, however you might celebrate it.

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Re: Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by David Kuijt » Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:35 am

HoaryCenturion wrote:
Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:29 am
DK, I was aware of the rule you referenced. I just wanted clarification.

As before, you have come through quickly and answered the posed query, if perhaps in a perceived less than tolerant tone. But whatever.

I do not believe I mentioned anything about "teleporting" over the river . . .
I apologize if I came across as abrupt or intolerant, Chris. That wasn't my intent; when answering rules questions my aim is always to be clear and brief. Clear and brief can come across as ... terse and rude, and I'm sorry if that's the impression you got from my note.
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Re: Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by Rod » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:02 pm

In your original case if they started 5MU away, they would stop at the edge of the river (already moved more than 3 MU). The next turn move 3 MU through the river. If the river is 1.5MU wide, in theory clear the river and then move full movement on their next movement if open order mounted and not Chariots (1.5MU deep bases). If the river is 2MU wide, they would still move another turn at 3MU to completely clear the river.

The question I get from time to time is; "why isn't the movement rate pro-rated", i.e. I only spent half of the 3MU in the river why can't the other half be at the faster rate?

Simple, we wanted to keep it simple. Too much math involved in that whole exercise.

So think of it as the dudes spent time getting on and off their horses to walk them through the rough spots, had to stop and help Frank who fell off when his horse stepped in a hole and broke a leg etc. etc.... so the whole expedition into the rough is going to change your movement to foot movement for an entire turn if any part of that turn is spent in rough terrain.

Which is pretty realistic for taking horses through dense forest or other rough stuff.
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David Schlanger
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Re: Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by David Schlanger » Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:28 pm

HoaryCenturion wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:05 pm
Groups cannot move across difficult terrain such as a river, right? This can only be done by tactical moves which require each unit to spend a command pip, right?
Hi Chris,

Your questions started with this assertion about group moves across difficult terrain. Please see 32.2 under Command Cost for Moves in Difficult Terrain.
Groups CAN move across difficult terrain, but there is an additional command cost in most situations. This is an important distinction for forcing single enemy stands to conform for example.

Have a nice weekend!

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Re: Moving over and fighting in difficult terrain

Post by HoaryCenturion » Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:28 am


Thanks for the clarification(s). Much appreciated,

Apologies for the delay. I have been engaged (pun intended) in a number of Tactica II wargames and am currently investigating options with staging Raphia or Paraetacene, or both, in some fashion or another.

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