Complex contacts

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Complex contacts

Post by Juanbususto » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:10 am

After a battle with 144pts, some complex contacs have made us doubt how to solve them. Could you explain for each case if these contacts were right and what combat factors apply? Thanks!

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David Kuijt
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by David Kuijt » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:51 am

Juanbususto wrote:After a battle with 144pts, some complex contacs have made us doubt how to solve them. Could you explain for each case if these contacts were right and what combat factors apply? Thanks!

This is not combat. No combat is rolled.

It is legal to move there, but it is not combat.
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by David Kuijt » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:55 am

Juanbususto wrote:After a battle with 144pts, some complex contacs have made us doubt how to solve them. Could you explain for each case if these contacts were right and what combat factors apply? Thanks!

This looks a little messy, but if A has side contact with X and B is in front contact with X then the combat is +3 (Javelin Cavalry v. foot) to 0 (Rabble +1 v. mounted, -1 for overlap from A).
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by David Kuijt » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:57 am

Juanbususto wrote:After a battle with 144pts, some complex contacs have made us doubt how to solve them. Could you explain for each case if these contacts were right and what combat factors apply? Thanks!


This is +3 (Javelin Cavalry v. foot) to +1 (Light Foot v. mounted is +2, -1 for the flank attack)
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David Kuijt
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by David Kuijt » Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:05 am

Juanbususto wrote:After a battle with 144pts, some complex contacs have made us doubt how to solve them. Could you explain for each case if these contacts were right and what combat factors apply? Thanks!

Here player AB can choose to roll one of two combats. Either (but not both!) of the below:
  1. Stand A vs. Y: +3 (Javelin Cavelry v. foot) to -1 (+1 for Skirmisher v. mounted, -1 for flank attack, -1 for overlap from B). If stand Y suffers a Fall Back it must turn in place (leaving its front corner in contact) which it does not have room to do (stand X prevents it) so it will be destroyed.
  2. Stand A vs. X: +3 (Javelin Cavalry v. foot) to +1 (+2 for Light Foot v. mounted, -1 for flank attack). There is no overlap from B. If stand X suffers a Fall Back it must turn in place as described above. It will have room to do so, so it will not be destroyed.
The other stand that is in contact suffers no combat result from this combat on this turn, but will remain in contact (unless a command point is spent) for the next turn.
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by Juanbususto » Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:18 am

Thanks!! :)
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David Kuijt
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by David Kuijt » Tue Jun 20, 2017 11:18 am

Juanbususto wrote:After a battle with 144pts, some complex contacs have made us doubt how to solve them. Could you explain for each case if these contacts were right and what combat factors apply? Thanks!

Whose turn is it?

The choice of what order to do combat is critical here, and the player whose turn it is gets to choose the order. Depending upon what choice is made, either of the below is possible:
  1. Fight X vs. A: +4 (Archer v. mounted) to +2 (+3 Javelin Cavalry v. foot, -1 for flank attack). If the Archer loses it is destroyed (Shattered by Javelin Cavalry) but the Javelin Cavalry does not move. If the Javelin Cavalry is forced to fall back it must turn in place and then fall back, which will destroy it (there is not enough room). Even if the Javelin Cavalry stays where it is there is no further combat this turn (the Javelin Cavalry was fully occupied defending itself from the flank attack and could not also attack the Light Foot) and the Light Foot does not cause an overlap (side or rear edges cannot cause an overlap on the front edge).
  2. Fight A vs. Y: +2 (+3 Javelin Cavalry v. foot, -1 for flank attack from A) to +1 (+2 Light Foot v. mounted, -1 for flank attack). If the Javelin Cavalry loses it is destroyed because of the flank attack on it. If the Light Foot loses then the Archer must fall back as well as whatever result happens to the Light Foot.
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by Fab » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:15 am

Interesting post !

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Many thanks
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Bill Hupp
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Re: Complex contacts

Post by Bill Hupp » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:00 pm

Great way to show the questions. Nice pictures. What armies are fighting here?

Bill Hupp
Thistle & Rose Miniatures
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